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Raw Feeding: Is It a Good Option for Your Cat?

Raw feeding, also known as a Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) diet, is a feeding practice that involves giving pets food that is mainly comprised of raw meat. While some cat owners believe it’s a more natural and healthier option for their pets, raw feeding is not without controversy. This article will explore the benefits, risks, and considerations associated with raw feeding for cats.

Benefits of Raw Feeding

Advocates of raw feeding often claim several benefits, including:

  • Improved coat health: The high levels of protein and natural oils in raw diets can potentially lead to shinier and healthier coats.
  • Better dental health: Chewing on raw meat can help clean your cat’s teeth and reduce the occurrence of dental diseases.
  • Natural diet: A raw diet is often considered more in line with what cats would eat in the wild, potentially leading to better digestion and nutrient absorption.

Risks of Raw Feeding

Despite the potential benefits, raw feeding poses several risks:

  • Nutritional imbalance: Preparing a homemade raw diet that meets all of a cat’s nutritional needs is complex. Deficiencies or excesses in certain nutrients can lead to serious health problems.
  • Foodborne illness: Raw diets, if not handled and stored properly, can harbor harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli, posing risks to both pets and humans in the household.
  • Bone hazards: While some raw diets include raw bones for dental health, these can pose a choking hazard, or cause blockages or tears in the digestive tract.

Consulting a Vet

Because of the potential risks associated with raw feeding, it’s essential to consult with a vet or a pet nutritionist before switching your cat to a raw diet. They can provide guidance on safely preparing and storing raw food, as well as ensuring nutritional balance.


Raw feeding for cats comes with potential benefits and risks. While it may offer improvements in coat and dental health, it also carries significant risks like nutritional imbalance and foodborne illnesses. If you’re considering a raw diet for your cat, it’s essential to do so under the guidance of a vet or a pet nutritionist to ensure your cat’s health and safety.

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